Build Your Life on Him

The most important part of any house is the integrity and strength of its foundation. The foundation, on which we build upon, as believers, is crucial. The Bible tells us to have our lives built on Christ Jesus and to allow our roots to grow deep down into Him.

In Mathew 7:23-27, the Bible describes the man who hears God’s instructions and obeys them as being a wise builder.  He keeps receiving the truth of God’s Word into His heart and remains teachable to the Holy Spirit, adjusting his ways to line up with that truth. It is God’s Word that produces strong faith inside us keeping us anchored and stable when challenges come.

Instead of crumbling in fear or shrinking back in defeat, we stand our ground in faith, with hearts that are deeply rooted in an unshakable trust in the true character of God and the dependability of His Word.  Then, when turmoil tries to unravel us because we have rooted and built ourselves on the Lord, we will overflow with thankfulness as His truth keeps us standing, unscathed by any storm.