See God

People don’t battle with or even question God’s sovereignty and ability to do the impossible and move powerfully in the earth. The issue comes with them believing He will do it for them. Our confidence in believing we will personally see and experience the goodness of God in our lives can only come from us truly knowing His heart towards us. And the only way to really know His heart, which He has by no means hidden from us, is in His Word.

Jesus is the Word made manifest (John 1:14). But even though Jesus walked among us demonstrating the goodness of the Father – full of grace and truth – many didn’t recognise His goodness was for them personally. When we pursue knowing the character of God in His Word, we must come with expectant hearts! And when we truly want to hear His voice and see His heart, we lean in and anticipate receiving from Him.

Come to know, see, and hear the heart of the Father in His Word today – He hasn’t hidden Himself from you. He shares Himself willingly and with great joy! Seek Him, and you will see Him!