Give Fear No Place

Living by faith is a choice to completely depend upon the Lord, and stand strong and courageous in Him and on His Word. When we live like this, we automatically oppose the spirit of fear. Fear has a goal concerning every believer: to paralyze our faith and make us inoperable and powerless for God’s kingdom. Its tactic is to keep us preoccupied with worrisome thoughts that distract and pull us away from living in the presence of God, where we are most powerful and effective.

It’s in His presence where we live every moment trusting Him, being refreshed and empowered by His Spirit, and built up and nourished by the truth of His Word. This is where righteousness, peace and joy dominate our lives, and victory is ensured. This is the life of faith the Bible tells us is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Without it, it’s impossible to please Him. As much as healthy discipline in our daily reading of the Word and prayer is important, we must understand that just as faith comes by hearing the Word, the power to operate in it comes from the encounter.

Never neglect the experience of meeting Him in the secret place and learning how to abide in Him continuously. Being aware of His presence in us is a most precious gift that will keep us full of His power and make His Word so alive in us that fear is consistently blocked by the shield of faith that completely surrounds us. Stay in faith and fear will be given no place in your life.