The Quickened Word

Do you know it just takes one Word from God to change your life forever? There’s nothing you will ever face that God’s word can’t overcome! When we take time to diligently read, meditate on, and receive God’s word into our hearts, the Holy Spirit will remind us of it, at the exact moment we need its power to operate and bring change! God’s word places inside us a bold passion for the will of God and stirs up faith to demolish anything that opposes it!

No matter how rock-solid, or impossible the situation – it’s no match for the quickened Word of God in us! At the same time, its fire burns away everything inside us that would obstruct or limit God’s overcoming power from working in its full strength in and through us.  It corrects wrong mindsets, burns away any lingering sin, and the desire to do it.  Most importantly, it destroys any form of fear, putting God’s words in the forefront, overpowering every other opposing voice!

If you’ve received a quickened word from the Lord – ignore every negative voice and go forward – act in faith filled obedience, and the victory will be yours!