Often times when God calls you to do something it can be quite overwhelming because you don’t know all the details pertaining to how to go about seeing it done. The truth is, more importantly than knowing how, is intimately knowing the One who gave you that dream and instruction in the first place. When you know God has called you, you can be confident He has already supernaturally empowered you for every good work!
Knowing God is deeply rooted in an intimate relationship with Him, where a place of true and genuine faith-filled confidence is nurtured. Every time you come before Him, come knowing He is overjoyed and ready to pour His love, strength and wisdom into your heart. So don’t let what you don’t know keep you from going and doing! Your impossibility to God is an invitation for Him to do exceeding, abundantly and above all you can ask or think.
Remember God picked ordinary men and women to do the extraordinary, through Him! He can do far more with your surrendered heart and obedience than what you can do with your own expertise. So keep close to His heart, listen intently to His instructions and you will fulfil all He has called you to do – one day at a time.