Live in Me to Live through Me Lord!

God is glorified in our lives when we live according to His will. The best and only way we are able to bring glory to God’s Name is by living in close communion with the Father – just as Jesus did – through the Holy Spirit. Whatever is going on around us, whatever has come against us, being close to the Father will afford us the wisdom we need to live above it.

Human nature fails under pressure, but God’s supernatural nature begins where our trust and confidence in our own ends. Knowing and pursuing the Presence of God is our fail-proof strategy. God the Father replied to His Son in the above scripture by saying: “I have glorified My name! And I will glorify it through You again!” All we have to do for this to become our reality is to yield and commit to communion with God.

No matter what happened in the past, your present decision to seek the face of God as your vital necessity decides your future. Let Him live full in you, to live through you today!