#FaithDaily The Beginning of Wisdom
Proverbs 9:10 (AMPC): “The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning (the chief and choice part) of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight and understanding.”

To fear the Lord is not to be afraid of Him. Rather it is the distinct awareness of His sovereignty and majesty. So when we experience the tangible manifestation of His presence, we become acutely conscious of His pure, overwhelming love, and stand in awe of His absolute holiness.

Being in His presence, we are drawn into an all-consuming recognition of His greatness and perfection, all the while being flooded with His kindness and goodness towards us. Our spirits become extremely sensitive to the convictions of His Holy Spirit. In an instant, everything is brought into heaven’s perspective and as we yield we step into harmony with the Spirit of God. It’s from this powerful position of intimacy in the presence of God that we pray both in the spirit and in our understanding (Romans 8:26-27). Here we directly access His supernatural wisdom and insight, and by His Spirit, declare His truth over circumstances. This wisdom is a powerful, beautiful, and profound gift from God – at our disposal.

Today, determine to encounter the presence of God, let your reverent and worshipful fear of Him step you into a life of perfect harmony with His Spirit, and wisdom will be your portion!