A Happy Home

There’s no doubt God desires for us to have happy homes. The devil’s tactic is to break up the family and cause strife between its members. This is his attempt to ensure the next generation misses their kingdom purpose, and wanders aimlessly through life. The family unit is the fundamental building block of society. A family who chooses to walk in God’s unconditional love and live by His truth will cultivate the perfect atmosphere for supernatural intervention in all they do.

To live in harmony with each other, under one roof, is certainly supernatural! But it’s vitally essential for training up and working together in our God-given identity and purpose. We have to be intentional to cultivate a safe, honest place where prayer and integrity is the foundation of our homes. Now is the time to put a stop to any cycle of destruction.

Prioritize family time around the Word of God; give no room to strife and angry outbursts; practice walking in love and patience with each other, always putting the other first. Before long, you will see your home become a haven of peace and joy and the launching pad for purpose!