No Vain Thing!

The word, ‘imagine’ in this verse has the same meaning for the word ‘meditate’ in Psalms 1:2, which says, “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.” The point is, we cannot mediate on God’s Word without imagining how it will affect our lives. Joshua 1:8 includes another key to meditating on God’s Word, being speaking. God told Joshua the Word was to never depart from being in his mouth. In other words, he needed to be sure that every conversation he had, and every response he gave, sounded just like God’s Word. It had to carry the same measure of truth the Word/law carried, never contradicting it. When he would do this, just as the man being addressed in Psalm 1 – he was guaranteed good success and that everything he did would prosper. The world’s view of imagining is to think of things that aren’t present. In the realm of the spirit – there are things that are very present, even though unseen in the natural. One of those unseen things are angels. Even though we can’t see them, they are there, and the Bible says they are there to assist us. I’ve had personal encounters where I’ve needed to exercise my faith and commission angels to assist in some of the most unusual instances – and every time, help came! Just the same, the Bible tells us that Jesus paid for our healing. When we speak healing over ourselves, we need to imagine that healing power flowing from our spirit-man and into our physical bodies. We need to see ourselves healed, just as the Word says we are. We need to see ourselves being blessed and prosperous – being able to be a blessing to the kingdom and others. The problem is, it seems to be easier for Christians to imagine negative things than it is to imagine positive things. Did you know that we can’t even remember the goodness of God without an imagination? When the Word describes the faithfulness and generosity of God – we are supposed to dwell on that truth and imagine Him being good and faithful to us! This mental picture of what God’s Word says – is a hope that our faith attaches itself to. Make sure the Word feeds your imagination, so you don’t wonder around meditating on vain things that add no value to you. Let your faith ‘see’ God’s promises so you can experience what it is to walk in them as your reality.