An Extraordinary Partnership
The prayer the Lord was referring to was the dedication of the temple Solomon built for Him. Its construction began as a desire and conviction the Lord placed in David’s heart, only to be built later by his son, Solomon.
There are many instances of this kind of partnership between God and man recorded in the Bible… Where God works in the heart of man, implanting His will to do something extraordinary, and His ability to carry it out. We see this when God chose Adam to name the animals and birds, in the book of Genesis. When Ananias followed the Lord’s instruction to pray for the notorious Saul, who became Paul, to receive his sight, lead Him to salvation, and baptise him in the Holy Spirit.
What about Peter, who received a vision which led to the first Gentile conversion – opening the Gospel to the Gentile world! We were created to participate in this remarkable partnership with the Holy Spirit, carrying out His agenda in the world, as co-workers with Him.
Today, realise you are approved and empowered by God, for close fellowship with Him, to receive the conviction to do extraordinary things, and the supernatural wisdom and ability to carry them out. Draw close to Him today as you participate in this glorious partnership.