Bold Faith
Do you remember the story of the three men who were thrown into the fiery furnace after refusing to serve false gods? Their names were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. You would imagine these men were overwhelmed by fear at the thought of being thrown into a blazing fire, but the Word tells us differently.
These three men possessed bold faith. They resolved to remain faithful to their God regardless of the outcome. When they stepped out of that fire, neither their clothing nor their hair was singed. Even more remarkable, they didn’t even smell like smoke. Did you know, before they were arrested, they had already decided what their response would be! As a result, their bold faith far outranked the temptation to fear.
Today, resolve to respond to the challenges you will face with the same tenacious, bold faith – even before you face them. You’ll find bold faith is the antidote for fear, and it ruins the devils plans – every time.