Christ Living in Me

Jesus said, “…My servants must be where I am.” When we accepted Jesus not only as our Saviour, but also as our Lord, we made the decision to firmly follow Him. This means His ways, His Will and His Spirit are given precedence over our own will. Believe it or not, this is not an impossibility, or a difficult “hoop to jump through’.  We have God’s Word, and His very Own Spirit living inside us to teach, guide, and lead us into all truth!  And He doesn’t do this with a firm hand of discipline either.  If we open our hearts to the Lord, He will literally pour His love into us, causing our relationship with Him to flow with joy and peace!  We become so in love with Him, and so impressed with His nature and His ways, that learning about Him and following after Him becomes the absolute delight of our hearts! The result is always the same, we will prosper and succeed in every area of life, and whatever we ask of Him, we receive (Psalm 1:3, Joshua 1:8, John 15:7).  As children of God, we are meant to be know as His followers, His representatives and His ambassadors.  So it goes without saying that our lives need to reflect our love to serve and follow after the Lord. Our greatest goal is to echo the words of Paul, where our own will has been swallowed up in God’s will, and we can confidently say, “It’s no longer I that live, but Christ Who lives in Me!”.