It’s very difficult to enter the Presence of God when our hearts condemn us, and we know we are not right towards Him. Most times it’s a lack of truly knowing, or neglect of constantly remembering the true nature of God, that keeps us away from Him. When we really know Him, we have an impenetrable trust and confidence in His goodness and kindness towards us; and nothing can keep us from drawing close to Him.
God’s Word teaches us things about Him we learn to be true through constant experience. He is always good, He is always right, and He always has our best intentions. He never imputes evil or causes temptation, He always provides a way out, and He makes everything work out for our good because we love Him and live for His purpose. He always has blessings waiting for us, His arms are always open for us, and most importantly He truly loves us with a love that far surpasses any human ability or comprehension!
Nothing hurtful or bad has ever happened to us as a result of God’s negligence or lack of love. Whether our poor choices or the devil’s devices brought calamity, we can fully trust in the love of our God to heal, restore, redeem and make all things new. Remind yourself of the true nature of God today, and come boldly to His throne of grace to receive exactly what you need and so much more.