Know God

In John 5, Jesus addressed the Jewish leaders who were harassing Him, and trying desperately to find a reason to get rid of Him. The more He told them He was the Son of God, the more furious they became. He explained to them that there were credible witness that could account for Him being exactly who He said He was. The first witness He mentioned, was John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus. John had personally addressed the leaders about Jesus, and he acknowledged publicly that He was sent from God. The second witness was the miraculous works Jesus did. They should have been powerful enough to prove that God had sent Jesus. Then, the Lord mentioned His Own Heavenly Father as being a witness. God, the Father testified that Jesus was His Son when He spoke from Heaven after John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River (Matthew 3:17). The next witness was the scriptures themselves. The leaders had studied the writings of the prophets, and yet they refused to recognize and acknowledge that they pointed to Jesus as being God’s Son, the One who could give them eternal life. The last witness Jesus mentioned was Moses. The leaders were proud to say they trusted the law and writings of Moses, and yet when he wrote about Jesus, they refused to believe what they read. What Jesus was pointing out, was their stubborn refusal to believe the truth that was right in front of them – because they simply didn’t have a heart to believe.  If they truly loved God and honored Him, they would be willing to listen to, and recognize all the credible signs that pointed to Jesus being from the Father. Even though the world we live in is filled with distractions and false doctrines to steer man away from truly knowing and believing in God, He will always reveal Himself to whoever has a heart to seek Him out. As you welcome the Word of God to abide in your heart, you will always recognize what is of Him. His Own Spirit will keep you in a place of knowing who He really is. John 15:26 says, “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” If your heart is open to receive the truth – there is nothing stopping you from knowing God more today.