Doing verse 1 of Psalm 112, positions us to receive what the remainder of the Psalm holds! We must be thrilled with what we read in God’s written Word, and delight in obeying its principles. The truth is, once we agree with what God’s Word says, and respect it as being His perfect will for our lives – knowing He always has our best interests at heart – it’s easy to do what it says. Then, when we see the results of that obedience – there’s no turning back from using the Word as the final authority of our lives! It’s not just obedience to the Word that the Lord requires, but the attitude in which we obey. When we delight deeply in doing His Word, it will produce a mighty flow of His blessing, peace, and joy into our lives. Being delighted is a choice. When we are reluctant to spend time with the Lord in His Word, obeying it becomes a chore and even a burden. There is no reward or return for a heart that has decided to not delight in the things of God. Isaiah 1:19 says that the willing and obedient will eat the abundance of the land. It’s foolish and dangerous to complain and push against God’s perfect will for our lives. We do this when we regard our way of doing things as better than the Lord’s way of doing them. The Book of James says God resists the proud, but to the humble – He gives more grace! Decide to delight in God’s wisdom and instruction from His life-giving Word – it will cause you to prosper and succeed in every area of your life – because His work is perfect, and all His ways are right!