Destroy the Works of the Devil

God sent Jesus into the world to destroy the works of the devil; and if that reality is true of Jesus, it’s true of us as believers today. Jesus gave us authority over all the power of the enemy and instructed us to do greater works than He did; seeing that He was just one man filled with the Spirit of God, but we are entire generations, across the earth!

Having this power and authority over the devil means there’s absolutely nothing he has done to you and your family that you can’t do anything about! In Luke 13:11-13, Jesus healed a woman who was afflicted by the devil for eighteen years. God was not glorified in her sickness and poverty; He was most glorified in her being healed and made prosperous! When Jesus saw sickness, He drove it out and delivered all who were oppressed by the devil, because God is most glorified when we represent Him well. From the beginning man was created in the image of God to reflect His good nature in the earth.

No matter how desperate the devil’s attempts to prevent this, know that because of Jesus, we have the authority to trample him under our feet and destroy his works – everywhere we go!