
It truly would have been enough to simply receive a portion of God’s good inheritance. Yet, God our Father is so extravagant in His love and passion for us, that He made us co-heirs with Christ. What does this mean for you and me?

Well, consider the older brother in the story of the prodigal son. He reprimanded his father in resentment, not understanding why he would show such mercy and blessing to his once rebellious and undeserving brother. The Father simply replied: “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.” Whether we are like the prodigal son or the older brother who never left the faith – because of Jesus, we get to live in the fullness of life and everything that belongs to Him is ours.

We must avoid the resentful attitude of the older brother, refusing to fall into the trap of comparison; and instead focusing our hearts entirely on our relationship with our Loving Father and our personal encounters with Him. He has ensured His fullness to us. So stay connected, keep His Word alive in your heart and see every promise manifest in your life – after all, it’s your inheritance.