Divine Knowledge

When we hear, believe, and receive the truth of the Gospel, it’s essential for us to commit to grow and develop our spiritual walk with the Lord. We must sit under sound teaching to be trained and equipped to live our new life in Christ victoriously!

We must learn to understand the truth of God’s Word and apply it to our lives to overcome whatever we face in the world. While we do this, a miracle unfolds in front of our eyes! Our lives spontaneously begin to witness to others as we are daily transformed into the image of Christ! God’s own kindness, love, peace, and joy become beacons of light to others. Divine wisdom and the gifts of the Holy Spirit begin to flow out of us as we follow His lead each day.

As we remain faithful, teachable, and devoted to the Holy Spirit and His Word of truth, we learn to depend on and operate in His divine insight. Then, like Daniel, we will be called upon to be advisors to Presidents and Kings. Ask the Lord to direct your steps daily and be ready to share what He has placed within you when natural insight is insufficient to solve the problems our leaders face.