Divine Revelation

Divine revelation is what moves us from living a life of almost enough, to a life of more than enough. We’re not just referring to finances. For any area of our lives to reflect the abundance of life Jesus said He came to give us, we must live by  divine revelation. This is where mere intellectual knowledge of the Word is replaced by a deep, inner knowledge of the Word – through experience! The Pharisees and Sadducees knew the scripture on an intellectual level only.  That’s how they missed recognising who Jesus really was. When the Holy Spirit makes the Word come alive in us – He supernaturally reveals it’s truth to us in a way that we actually encounter Jesus in His Word.  He literally opens the eyes of our hearts to perceive the Spirit of the One who authored it, and have fellowship with Him in it. As the words become revelation to us, our hearts leap with joy and our minds and bodies are flooded with a glorious peace and hope! Jesus told the religious leaders that they search the scriptures because they think they lead to eternal life, but the scriptures actually point to Him. It’s possible to know the Bible yet miss the author. The Holy Spirit is the source of all revelation. If you want to possess revelation, you must know the Holy Spirit and be devoted to spending quality time in the Word. There is nothing preventing any born-again, child of God from experiencing this reality.  Put off every delay and set your heart to receive divine revelation today.