Don’t Forget the Harvest
When you give to the Lord, don’t do it with the mentality of lack or loss. Don’t get in the flesh by calculating what’s leftover, wondering how you’ll ever get by. The Bible promises that any financial seed sown into His kingdom purposes will produce a harvest. As long as we give willingly, with a cheerful heart, and not reluctantly with sorrow – we will reap. Giving to God with the wrong attitude or motive could hinder your harvest. We give because we love the Lord and His ways, and we want to be a blessing to His kingdom. We also give with hearts full of faith, expecting our seed to meet the practical needs of those who have His kingdom agenda at heart; as well as producing a return into our lives – so we can be a greater blessing. If the Lord didn’t intend for us to expect a harvest, He wouldn’t have clearly told us exactly what we can expect when we do sow into His kingdom. So, the next time you give an offering to the work of the Lord, do it with His principles in mind. The right attitude and motive, along with faith-filled expectancy, will bring in the harvest He has intended for you to expect.