Envied, Not Pitied

When Isaac found himself in a time of drought and famine, relocating to fertile Egypt would have been the natural choice. But God had other plans for Isaac – He was going to use this opportunity to prove He was the God of the impossible in Isaac’s life. God told Isaac to stay put and sow seed – which had become a most valuable commodity – into the dry, barren ground.

Logically this would have been considered an extreme waste of time and precious seed. But God wanted to demonstrate how His covenant children would never be ashamed for placing their full trust in Him and His instructions. Before long, Isaac’s obedience brought him 100 times as much as he had sown. He could have asked the king of the land to have pity on him and to provide him with financial aid – instead, he relied on his covenant blessing with the Almighty God and became the envy of the entire region.

The blessing of God knows no boundaries and has no limits, and is activated through our obedience! So, act on God’s Word and you’ll not need to rely on man’s pity again.