Did you know that from before the foundation of the world, we were set apart, by God, for a specific purpose – to live in Him and for Him, doing the good works He already planed for us to do with Him. While those good works include releasing the love and life of God to others, they also include us enforcing the devil’s defeat over their lives. While God within us is the source of power, peace and joy – He is also our commander in chief! Exodus 15:3 says this about Him: “The LORD is a man of war; …”. He is our military commander and has brought total defeat to the enemy of our souls. In Joshua 5:13-15, we read of how Jesus Himself appeared to Joshua as a military commander with a sword drawn in His hand, to give his the supernatural strategy needed to win the battle of Jericho. Psalms 24:8 depicts Jesus, the King of glory as, “…the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.”. Hallelujah! Our Lord Jesus is the Lord of heaven’s armies, and every day of our lives He instructs us in how to silence and avenge the enemy and enforce his defeat. The day will come when we will see Jesus execute punishment on His enemies. Isaiah 13:4 is a prophetic word concerning the coming destruction on the place and people who hate His ways and willingly and actively rebel against Him: “The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like that of many people! A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together! The LORD of hosts musters the army for battle.” Rebellion against the righteous, moral government of God will always bring unrest in people. As those who carry the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and conduct ourselves according to His kingdom ways – we come against the rebellious forces over people’s lives and bring peace. Know you have the authority to rebuke and resist the devil and cast him out of places that rightfully belong to you – your marriage, family, health, finances and well-being. This is part of the good works we have been set apart to do. Don’t stand back or be intimidated by the devil – let God’s power flow as you enforce his defat at Jesus’ command.