Evidence of the Spirit-Filled Life

The Bible teaches that there will always be evidence following a believer’s life. This evidence is called fruit.  According to the Word, that fruit can either give evidence of a life filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit; or one that is dominated by the flesh.  For the child of God who habitually chooses to fill his mind and heart with the Word of God and yields to the leading of the Holy Spirit; his fruit will not just be character traits that resemble the nature of God, but supernatural signs will flow from him too.

Amongst others, they are speaking in tongues, casting out demons, healing the sick, working miracles, and speaking things from the mind of God that are not common knowledge to men. All of which are done intentionally by faith, in love. For the person who chooses to live according to the dictates of the flesh, the signs that follow him will be lack, hatred, fear, bondage, sickness, and the like. All of which are done because of unbelief and selfishness.

Whatever we choose to allow to influence us in this life, whether it be the Holy Spirit or our flesh, will yield evidence after its kind. Romans 8 tells us the consequences of both. The flesh leading to misery and death, while the Spirit leads us to abundance of life. Each day is yours to choose, so choose the life controlled by the Holy Spirit, and enjoy the supernatural evidence that follows!