Eyes of Faith

The Bible stipulates God’s children are to live by faith and not by sight. This means we don’t rely on what we see in the natural to believe for what God has already provided for us in the spirit. It also means we are not moved, or swayed in our belief, when external circumstances appear to contradict what we believe for.

In times like these, we choose to fix our eyes on Jesus, drawing strength from Him and His Words of truth. That’s called having eyes of faith… Where our faith in Jesus is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not yet seen. Our eyes of faith give us the confidence to call what has been promised us into our natural world. The Greek word for “call” means to summon.

When someone receives a summons, it’s an order to appear, not a friendly suggestion. Today, with eyes full of faith, choose to speak words of faith and call what God has made available for you in the spiritual realm, to be manifest in the natural.