Getting Rid of Detrimental Distractions

Have you ever found yourself wanting to live wholeheartedly for the Lord, and to experience a greater outpouring of His Presence and power in your life? Only to find you keep getting distracted by things that pull your attention away from spending time with Him and His Word. Distraction is one of the most effective tools our enemy uses against us.

Jesus calls him a thief who is bent on stealing away what God has already given us. He seeks to kill the vision and purpose God puts in our hearts; and destroy the hope, peace, joy and freedom Jesus paid for us to walk in. But, he can’t do any of this when we determine to recognise his distraction tactics and resist them. Here are some examples to look out for: As soon as you set out to pray, a text message requires your attention.

When you’re reading the Bible, thoughts come racing in, reminding you of deadlines that need your attention. Become protective over your time with God in His Presence and Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of these tricks to steal your focus, and then deliberately choose to do the opposite. Remember, we please God by faith; and we build our faith by giving our undivided attention to our most valuable relationship – our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word. This is the most effective way to keep us free from detrimental distractions.