God First – Empowers Us to Prosper!

When Solomon took over the reins from His father David, he was determined to obey the Lord and follow after Him wholeheartedly. Solomon had a revelation of stewardship and didn’t squander the riches his nation inherited. Instead, he took firm control of the administration of the wealth as he sought to please God instead of people. His worship and dedication to the Lord was extravagant and outrageously generous!

His heart was to serve the Lord and His people with Godly, practical wisdom and integrity. As a result, God blessed Him with abundant increase in every realm of his kingdom. While Solomon made seeking and pleasing the Lord his first priority, his kingdom prospered greatly. Along with the patriarchs, Solomon highlights an incorrect perception: that we need to materially decrease in order for the Lord to increase our lives.

God wants pre-eminence; and when we seek Him with all our hearts, being good stewards of His blessing – He will increase us and His splendour will be visible for all to see.