God Is For You!

In the moments where you feel overwhelmed by worrisome thoughts, don’t give in to them or the emotions of dread they conjure up. Be more determined than ever to fix your thoughts on the truth of what God says about you and your future. Turn your heart towards Him and let Him remind you of the covenant He has established with you. That’s what He did for His people in Leviticus 26:9-12.

He said, “For I will be leaning toward you with favour and regard for you, rendering you fruitful, multiplying you, and establishing and ratifying My covenant with you…I will set My dwelling in and among you, and My soul shall not despise or reject or separate itself from you. And I will walk in and with and among you and will be your God, and you shall be My people.”

This is God’s promise to you! When fearful thoughts begin to attack your mind, refuse them. They aren’t from your Heavenly Father and they don’t belong to you. Remember who you are, and Who you belong to! You are precious to God; draw strength from His Word and pull His promises into your life through faith. He is for you, you cannot fail!