God is Never Late

Jesus loved Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. However, after He took His time to respond to their urgent call for healing Lazarus, Mary and Martha were left sorely disappointed in Him. When He did eventually arrive at their home, it seemed His timing couldn’t be worse – Lazarus was dead, Jesus was too late.

A hurt and disillusioned Martha was the first to meet Jesus on His arrival, and gave Him a piece of her mind. “…If you had been here on time, when we called you – our brother would still be alive!” But God is NEVER late. Everything He does is perfect and perfectly on time – even when we can’t see it. Healing a dying Lazarus would be wonderful, but raising him from the dead stirred up more faith and hope in the goodness of God than a hundred healings could!

If you are wondering if God’s timing is slow concerning your need – take heart, wait on Him and delight yourself in His kindness and faithfulness towards you. You’ll find even when you can’t see or understand what He’s doing – He’s right on time with everything concerning you!