Grace Multiplied

Have you ever wondered why Jesus increased in favour with God and man, and why He was able to be at peace whenever there was trouble? According to 2 Peter 1:2, favour and peace are found in the knowledge of God. The more we grow in the intimate knowledge of Who God is, and His ways, the more we increase in favour and peace. If you find yourself getting upset about things and your heart becomes troubled – get alone with the Lord. Let His Spirit and the truth of His Word fill your heart with peace. Stay with it until you literally feel His peace rule in your heart – you’ll recognise this when you suddenly feel joy bubble up inside you, and you see the situation from a completely different perspective. That’s what God’s peace does – it empowers and enables us to have a positive attitude towards any situation because faith has been built up inside us. The power that’s released is essential for our on-going victory in life! Daniel 11:32 says:“… but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Don’t put off spending time with the Lord – let that peace and favour flow today!