Great Joy in the Waiting!

In Ecclesiastes 3:11, we are reminded that everything is made beautiful for its appointed time. In the fast-paced society we live in, waiting is not a term that resonates well with most people. Yet, this crucial element of waiting is often vital to bringing God’s specific promise into our lives. Scripture promises we will receive when we believe and pray; the condition lies in us not giving up. During the time of waiting, it might feel like nothing is happening in the natural.

While we struggle to see progress, the temptation to resort to frustration is real. Refuse that temptation by using the time of waiting to draw near to the Word, practice entering into the Presence of God and focus on delighting in Him! Learning to draw from His strength, joy, and peace when your surroundings are contrary to what is promised sharpens a skill and maturity in the Lord that will prove invaluable in your life!

You will not only persevere joyfully and see the promised outcome, but you will have developed a rock-solid faith on the inside that makes you unshakable when it comes to believing every promise from God. Waiting is not being idle, it’s developing a strong resolve that keeps moving you closer to the Lord – Who is the source of your strength – and the victory that was promised!