He is Faithful

When last did you stop and think about the faithfulness of God? He knows the end from the beginning and set well-thought-out plans for everything in between. The next time you begin to feel overwhelmed by a world thrown into chaos, and you’re tempted to give up on your dreams and aspirations, think about that. Remember nothing takes God by surprise.

He has promised to never forsake His righteous, covenant children, nor see their children begging for bread. When we are tempted to quit on our faith or drawback in fear, we can trust the Lord to strengthen us in the promises of His Word that stand as strong and true as He does.

His plan for our victory was set in motion before the foundation of this world, and it will stand. So let your thoughts of God’s faithfulness fill your heart with faith as you push forward, walking in His ways. Let knowing Him give you the strength to endure until you come through each trial victoriously – with His goodness and mercy following you each step of the way!