Healing is God’s Sovereign Will

God is sovereign.  One of the definitions of sovereign is a supreme ruler who acts independent of outside interference. John 10:10 declares that we have an enemy, the devil, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything good in our lives; however, Jesus has come to give us abundant life.

This is His sovereign rule – to give abundant life, regardless of the enemy’s interference. Through the finished work of the cross, Jesus literally destroyed the power of sin and death. His resurrection power destroyed every work of the devil and then came to live in us, giving us the authority to enforce that defeat. All sickness and disease are from the pit of hell; and Jesus paid the price for us to walk in Devine health – in our souls and physical bodies. This was an intentional, sovereign act of God. He broke the curse of sin so whoever believes in, and surrenders to the Lordship of Jesus can be healed and live whole.

To say God is glorified in our sickness is to undermine His sovereignty and belittle the finished work of the cross.  It is ALWAYS the sovereign will of God to see us healed from all sickness and disease. When we experience anything that contradicts this, we cannot allow ourselves to resort to even the suggestion that God has somehow changed His mind or made an exception. By His stripes we WERE HEALED – He shed His blood to seal this forever. (1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5).