Identity Change

God is in the business of changing identities! Even if we think there are parts of our nature that are too stubborn to change, the Holy Spirit has the power to remake us from the inside out – if we will just get in agreement with Him! Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s own handiwork! We are His project of choice! And the plans He has for us are so good! They involve living the good life, full of good works which He prearranged and made ready for us to live! This new identity became ours the moment we became born-again. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says we became ingrafted in Christ. Our old, sinful, flawed nature DIED with Jesus on that cross! Now a fresh and new one has been recreated by God Himself inside us! Provision for this new life was made before we were saved, it became our possession when we became born-again, and it becomes our reality as we walk in the light of the Word! 2 Corinthians 3:18 explains what happens when we look intently into the Word and feed on its truth.  It literally begins to transform us from the inside out as we receive revelation knowledge of what it says. Let the Holy Spirit show you your new identity in Christ, as He builds from the inside out – renewing your thinking and attitudes. You will be forever changed by taking on your new identity in Him!