Intimate Father
This particular scripture describes the end of one of Jesus’ rather eventful days. After preaching to a crowd of about 5000, he multiplied two fish and five loaves to feed them all. Then saw them begin to rally a small army to forcefully make Him their king. His response to all this was to immediately withdraw from it all and be alone with His Father.
Andrew Murray said: “Man needs to be alone with God, to sense again the presence and power of His holiness, of His life, and of His love.” That’s exactly what Jesus was doing – being alone in the safety of His Father’s presence, being filled with His love and life that kept Him securely rooted in His purpose, far from fear and dread. In your secret place is where you will find the essence of real power in the tangible Presence of God.
His love will keep you supernaturally charged and empowered to keep walking out His purpose – making a significant difference wherever you are and in whatever you do. Today, choose to walk close to God; realign your priorities with His heart, so you can be a blessing to this generation!