Joy and Rejoicing!

What a beautiful revelation and reality Jeremiah the Prophet lived by. The Word of God carried him through an intensely difficult and dangerous time where Israel endured being carried away into captivity.  In the midst of chaos, we are enabled to live in absolute peace – when we turn to God.  As we place our affections on Him, the Spirit of God makes the truth of His Word so real to us that it nourishes our souls!

The strength, peace and joy from the word that comes alive inside us flood our spirits and overflows into our thoughts, our emotions and every decision we make!  When everything and everyone around us is in turmoil – our hearts are secured in joy and rejoicing, as the Word of God, day by day, renews our strength.

The degree to which we are willing to fill our hearts and minds with the Word of God, and give ourselves to its timeless wisdom and power, is the degree to which we will experience supernatural joy and rejoicing! The path for victory lies right in front of us, the choice to respond lies with us alone.  Choose life today – delight in God’s Word and let joy and rejoicing become your portion!