Look Up!

When Jesus had the 2 fish and 5 loaves in His hands, the Bible says He looked up to heaven, blessed and then broke them – before giving them to the disciples to feed the multitudes. The phrase looked up, in the original Greek text, means to receive sight. This same phrase is used when Jesus prayed to His Father, concerning Lazarus being raised from the dead. It gives the picture of Jesus seeing beyond what is obvious to the natural eye, and into the supernatural, spiritual realm. When in the natural, there were only 2 fish, and 5 loaves, Jesus saw enough food to fill thousands of hungry people. With that picture in mind, He blessed the food. The word blessed, in Hebrew, literally means empowered to prosper. So, Jesus saw past the natural realm when He looked at the little boy’s lunch, imagined it being enough to feed the multitudes, and then empowered it to prosper as He spoke a blessing over it. Jesus looked past the limitations of the natural, fixed His gaze on the spiritual reality, and spoke in line with that. Then, He went ahead and acted as if what He had seen in the spirit was more real than what everyone else saw in the natural. As a result, a miracle was activated and every person left the mountain that day, fully satisfied. Can you imagine what our lives would be like if we saw God’s Word from the same perspective Jesus had? What if we take each of His wonderful promises and see beyond what is in the natural – into the realm of the spirit? Then, when our words and actions align with what we see in the spirit – we will be guaranteed to walk in those promises! Let’s become intentional to change the image of what we see inside us. As we begin to align our perspective with God’s, by looking past the obvious, and into the realm of God’s supernatural possibilities – we will talk and act differently. We’ll begin to see, talk, and act like people of faith, and walk in the fruit of it! Praise God! It’s time to look beyond the natural limitations and look up – to experience the supernatural life we’ve inherited, in Christ Jesus!