Saul, the greatest persecutor of the Christians at that time, encountered the Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. When he was struck down onto the ground, the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” What did Jesus mean when He said this? Well, the definition of a goad is a prod. Something used to send electric impulses into an animal that must be moved in a certain direction but is unwilling to do so. One translation uses the word ‘pricks’ instead of goads. In Greek, in context to this particular verse, it translates to mean a Divine impulse. This would indicate that the Holy Spirit was already at work within the heart of Saul concerning the truth of the Gospel. However, he kept fighting the impulse from the Holy Spirit concerning the truth about who Jesus really was. Where did the seed of this impulse begin to take root in Saul’s heart? Probably when Stephen addressed the Sanhedrin in Acts chapter 6 & 7 – just before Saul condoned Stephen being stoned to death. The Bible says, Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, with a face visibly shining with the glory, spoke about God’s consistent plan to have His people know Him. He begins with Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph. To the captivity of the people of Israel and their saviour, Moses. To the Ark of the covenant and the reign of King David. David wanted to build a temple made of human hands to house the Presence of the Lord, which the prophet Nathan revealed was not God’s best intention. However, his son, Solomon, did build it. And then, in conclusion to his speech, Stephen speaks with such a powerful authority of how just like their ancestors who rejected the Holy Spirit, and killed the prophets who announced the coming Messiah; they – the Sanhedrin – are guilty of rejecting Him too. Saul heard God’s warning of ignoring the Holy Spirit concerning Jesus – through Stephen. And now, struck down by His power – Jesus, warns Saul again! Fighting against the Holy Spirit is a losing battle! Don’t be like Saul, rather remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit and work with Him. This way His power will flow unhindered – in and through you – each day.