Two main elements that set Christianity apart from all other religions are firstly the fact that almost 30 percent of the Bible is prophetic, with 80 percent of the prophecies already fulfilled with pin point accuracy. Secondly, we are the only faith that has access to a personal relationship with our God. Our God loves us deeply and rewards those who seek Him and choose to pursue a devoted life-style of love, obedience and faithfulness to Him. There is a great difference between “knowing about” God, and truly “knowing” Him. Many people may say that they know about God, they have heard about Jesus, yet their lives don’t reflect what is written in His Word. The reason being, that they have not completely surrendered their lives to fully follow Him and His ways. He is a good Shepherd and knows those who truly love Him and follow after Him. When you are a lover of God, you chooses to know what His Word says about you. You find out what your new life in Him looks like. Then, you wholeheartedly pursue that life, living out what His Word says your new identity is in Him, and you begin to access all it says you can have as part of your inheritance. This includes your purpose as His representative on this earth. All of this is accomplished through an intimately close relationship with Jesus through His indwelling Holy Spirit, where you come to know who God is, His nature, His Word and His deep love for you as His child! As a result your desire to know Him more increases and you find great peace and joy in doing what He has instructed you to do, while embracing all He has done for you. The Apostle Paul was a true lover of God, we see this throughout his writings and the life he led – devoted to God. Philippians 3:10 is an accurate summary of Paul’s heart towards God, “…that I may know Him [experientially, becoming more thoroughly acquainted with Him, understanding the remarkable wonders of His Person more completely] …” (AMPC). The greatest privilege and honour we can have in this life is to know God and walk in close fellowship with Him – because He is the good shepherd Who knows us, and loves us completely.