Let Him Show Himself Strong!
Within this context, “fully committed”, refers to those who don’t only ‘talk’ the faith talk, but actually ‘live’ out their faith. It’s easy to speak about how we believe in God and the promises of His Word, but when it comes to being courageous and stepping out in faith, do we act on what we say we believe?
Do we confidently put our trust in the Lord, and stand firm on His promises no matter how tough it gets? In the Bible, we read how Jesus stopped to deliberately take note of who, among the crowd, had touched Him by faith. The Lord is looking for those who will take Him at His Word, and are fully committed to keep the faith, no matter the cost. When we do this, He doesn’t just take note of us, He shows Himself strong on our behalf! Today, step out in faith!
God will enable you to accomplish what you would never be able to do in your own natural strength. As you remain steadfast, being both fully committed and fully persuaded, His supernatural power will work for you and through you!