Let Your New Nature Come Through!

Have you ever thought it’s easier for some people to be kind and patient than it is for others? Very often we shrug off the responsibility to treat others with grace because it’s just not in our nature to do so.

The truth is: every character trait of the Holy Spirit is already inside you. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is His nature; and since His Spirit and yours are one, you have the full measure of patience, gentleness, kindness, self-control and the rest of the nine fruit in you! This is your new nature in Christ Jesus! The key is to have that new nature dominate the old, selfish one. It’s very easy to slip into our carnal nature when we aren’t purposefully yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit inside us. Paul spent much time urging us to train and discipline our old, natural way of thinking, speaking and being to come into submission to our new natures.

Thankfully, the transformation is done through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit! Today, pay careful attention to God’s ways recorded in His Word. Purposefully yield to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He gently guides and corrects, so your new nature can come through!