Live to Please the Father

While He was on the earth, Jesus was our perfect example. Everything He did was a demonstration of His love and devotion to His Father. He never spoke or acted outside of His will. He came to show us Who His Heavenly Father was. Their relationship was inseparable: Jesus followed after His Father in every detail. His way was His Father’s way.

In John 17 Jesus makes it clear that this relationship of absolute unity is what He desires for us to have with Him and the Father. As much as we would like the approval of everyone, there is only One we seek to please – our Heavenly Father. As believers, our ultimate pursuit is to walk inseparably with and in God. We should desire to follow after Him in every way.

As you dedicate your life to pleasing God and follow His instructions through a living, intimate relationship with Him, He will live through you gloriously. You will carry the fragrance of Christ and people will recognise you have been in the presence of God.