Mind Control

Fear is a destructive spirit and it’s not from God! The Bible clearly and repeatedly instructs us to not fear, warning us to keep our minds focused on the truth of God’s Word, and under the control of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, we can’t stop fearful thoughts from coming into our minds, but we can take control of them when they do. We have the power to change the way we think… This is why we must make an effort to get God’s Word inside us and meditate on its truth until it becomes louder and more dominant than any negative, fearful thought. How do we do this?

First, we make a habit of filling our minds with God’s Word. This helps us recognise every thought that contradicts the truth and is toxic to our well-being. Then we take those negative thoughts captive refusing to dwell on them and immediately replace them with what God’s Word says about the matter. Don’t be tricked into becoming fearful – take back the control of your mind with the power of God’s Word.