Most Holy Faith

Jude 1:20 encourages us to build ourselves up in our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Many have overlooked the importance of this, shrugging it off as an unnecessary practice. However, praying in tongues is one of the most powerful gifts God has given the church. Not only do we pray God’s perfect will over our lives and circumstances, as the Holy Spirit utters through us (Romans 8:26); it builds up and energises our spirits, causing them to have significant influence over our flesh. As we pray earnestly, in the Holy Ghost, it’s impossible to not feel or perceive the anointing as His Spirit literally energises us and the atmosphere around us. No devil from hell is going to stick around a believer who is seriously praying in the Holy Ghost; he simply can’t take the heat of the power of God that is actively flowing through that believer. If you aren’t yet operating in this gift, ask God to fill you now with His power that will activate it. Know He will not withhold any good gift from those who ask Him.