No Contradictions In The Word!

God’s Word is truth, and for the Believer who chooses to pay attention to it and dig deeper than skirting over the surface of its endless wisdom, its truth will lead him into a life of overwhelming victory. The trouble is, many believers are just too caught up in the affairs of life to have any real interest in the Word, or to make time for diligently studying Scripture. As a result, they casually read through passages and rely on what is taught from the pulpit once or twice a week, to nourish their spiritual walk with the Lord. The danger comes when what is being taught from the pulpit, or over social media, is not the truth. When people suggest the Word can no longer be the final authority for our lives, since it is too contradictory in nature, many are deceived and fall from faith. Here is one so called ‘contradiction’ that seems to be popular among those who choose to be ignorant concerning the truth. Romans 3:28 says that obedience to the Law or Word, has nothing to do with us being justified, since we are made right with God through faith. Then in James 2:24, it says, “You see that a man is justified (pronounced righteous before God) through what he does and not alone through faith [through works of obedience as well as by what he believes].” These 2 scriptures are most certainly not contradictory.  While it’s true that we can only be saved through faith, the life of faith never works by faith alone! The good works and obedience referred to by James, most certainly includes our living righteous and holy lives before the Lord, once we are saved. Paul teaches that our sinful nature died with Jesus, on the cross (Romans 6:2, 6). Now, we live every day deciding to live by our new nature – controlled by the Holy Spirit, and not by the flesh. Look at what Romans 8:13-14 says, “For if you live by its dictates (flesh), you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”  Did you notice, the power of God that lives in our re-created spirits empowers us to not sin, by our own choice! It also empowers us to live for God, as we are led by His Spirit! While faith in God, and not living right, qualified us for salvation and right standing with God; our new life in Christ, requires total dependency on and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Never allow ignorant statements that contradict the Word, allow you to be deceived into thinking the Word contradicts itself, and cannot be treated as absolute truth.