No Longer Slaves

Have you ever considered that Christ follows behind you – as a safeguard? His blood sacrifice, which was shed for our sins, covers us from behind to protect us from the harmful effects our sins would have had on our future. God removed our transgressions as far as the East is from the West; our redemption is sure and solid.

When the accuser of the brethren comes to confront us with past sin, we can boldly declare we have been forgiven and washed by the powerful blood of Jesus. For us, all things have become new. According to our Heavenly Father, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!

Let this truth settle in your heart and stop you from second-guessing your worth and authority in the kingdom. Be free to set your gaze on the glorious future you are called to in Christ, and move forward to enjoy the blessing of living in the fullness of life He has paid for you to have. You are no longer a slave to sin; the Son of God has set you free – so live free indeed!