No More Tailspins
When we go through difficult times, fear will always try to grab a hold of us, by implanting worrisome thoughts in our minds. Attached to those thoughts are powerful emotions that set off a ripple effect of dread and anxiety in us, holding us captive in a downward spiral of despair. If we’re not careful, fear can send us into a tailspin of endless “what ifs” and doubts. If that’s what’s happening to you, take heart.
The Word says when seek the Lord, and cast every care on Him, He will deliver us from ALL our fears! Matthew 7:7 says all we need do is: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” So as you seek God today, understand He is Yahweh.
There is absolutely nothing beyond His reach concerning you. He is true to His promises and will deliver you. That word “deliver” means to set you free from. As you cast every care on the Lord, He will rescue you from that tailspin of worry and dread. Trust Him to direct your path to victory today.