No Sickness Or Pain – God’s Word Says So!

It’s God’s will for His children to be well. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that the devil is the one who comes to kill steal, and destroy, but Jesus came to the earth so that we could have abundant life (John 10:10). Abundantly life does not include sickness or pain. And yet, there are believers who have never been taught that when Jesus died on the cross, just as He took our sin upon Himself, so that we would receive His righteousness, He took sickness upon Himself too, so that we would live healthy and whole. Psalm 103:3 says Jesus forgives all of our iniquities and heals all our diseases. When Jesus walked this earth, He demonstrated for us what the kingdom of God looks like. In Matthew 10:1 and Mark 16:17-18, He said we have the authority and power to heal all kinds of sickness, and all kinds of disease, in His Name. Anything that was provided for us through the finished work of the cross, requires faith to receive. From salvation to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to deliverance from the devil, to living free from sickness and to receiving every promise in God’s Word.  Hebrews 6:12 says we inherit every promise through faith and patience. Faith is a divine quality of God, that resides in our reborn spirits. As we meditate on God’s Word, in particular concerning His will for us to be healed and whole, faith is drawn up from our spirits and released into our souls (mind, emotions, will). We call this process renewing our minds to God’s Word. A renewed mind is a prosperous mind! It has taken a hold of God’s Word and refused to be swayed off of it. According to 3 John 1:2, a prospering or renewed mind, is linked to prosperity in every other area of life, including health! It says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” Decide today, to keep your mind prospering through renewing it to God’s Word. Then, as your mind prospers, the rest of your life will too! It’s your right to refuse sickness and pain to have any place in your body, because God’s Word says so!