Positioned for Victory!

Our faith in God allows us to live in this wonderful truth. Jesus was crucified, raised from the dead and God seated Him at His right hand, giving Him all authority! Ephesians 2:6 says we are seated with Christ and are united with Him. This togetherness with Jesus is exactly what keeps us positioned for victory in life!

From the moment you awake in the morning, choose to acknowledge the Spirit of the Lord Jesus in you! He is with you in everything you will face, and He is on your side, constantly working for your good! If you keep your mind alert to this, you’ll find yourself constantly sharing your thoughts with Him, and hearing His voice spontaneously speaking into your heart.  His words will always be filled with life and hope, bringing peace and joy.

It won’t be long before you realise you’re seeing things from His perspective, where you’ve already overcome and the victory is already yours. When you choose to remain in close communion and relationship with Jesus this way – walking in His authority over the devil will be the most natural way of life for you.  You will always be positioned for victory when you remain in Him!