Praise Pulls Down Walls!

Your praise is a weapon! When you feel weighed down with the cares of this world, and burdened with so many things that steal your peace and joy – it’s time to go to war.  Stop what you are doing and begin to thank God for Who He is.  Praise Him for what He has done in the past, what He is currently doing right now, and what He has promised to do in your future! Keep praising Him until you feel that heavy burden lift and those walls of darkness fall down.

They make it so difficult to see the reality of our situation, from God’s clear perspective. But our praise shines a light on the greatness of God, Who He is in our lives, and the power He has already given us to overcome! Once you release a sound of praise from your mouth it begins to change the atmosphere of your situation from defeat to victory! Praising God with the sound of your mouth degrades the problem and magnifies the Problem Solver!

Determine to set your affection upon the Great I Am. As you lift up a voice of praise to the Lord, the walls of impossibilities will come crumbling down, in Jesus name!