Promotion From God
We serve a God Who knows no impossibilities! What’s more: He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all we can ask or think. Simply put, He is a specialist in converting problems to miracles.
When we take the time and effort to dig a little deeper into the Word of God, we’ll notice almost all the problems God’s people encountered were supernaturally turned around into victories. Faith doesn’t deny a problem exists, it simply denies the problem from influencing our destiny or taking a place of permanence in our lives. Perhaps we could call them miracles in disguise!
When David confronted Goliath, he faced a giant of a problem. In the natural, defeating him would have been impossible. But David knew His covenant with God would not only give Him victory, it would promote Him to be the king he was destined to be. Understand, your covenant with the God of the impossible will not allow any problem to stop you from walking in your destiny either.